February 24, 2010

Part 35, Girls Do Have a Sense of Humor


Anonymous said...

Sarah would probably bite your dick just as hard as a pitbull would.

Unknown said...

Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

'The more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague
(<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

Love him or leave him...
ya better lissen to DonJuan;
if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
which most whorizontalites do,
you cannot deny Hellfire
which YOU send YOURSELF to.

Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
the sights were beyond extreme.
Choose Jesus.
You'll be most happy you did.
God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

'We cannot be neutral in our lifelong demise precisely because Jesus WILL NOT be neutral at our General Judgement' -blessed holy socks
What we do in our finite lifetimes
has eternal consequences.

Howd'ya literally N figuratively WISEABOVE?? Pray the Stations. Go to Mass at least Sunday. Lissen, lissen, lissen. Pray the Rosary to kick-Satan's-ass. Carry your cross - literally and/or figuratively. Goto the Adoration Chapel located inside every Catholic choirch. Pray, pray, pray. Offer your whole day N night to the Trinity. Read your Bible. Love God alone. Love everyone else. Put their lives ahead of your own. DO IT! We dont have long before our LastPage. And find-out what RCIA means and join.

Withe filthy, whorizontal piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their scorecard destruction seeing who can git a lowest place in Hellfire, dont you think your lifetime is EXTREMELY vital to the planet? Thus, to love the lives of others is to love your own: spread the Gospel of Jesus.

God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

'We cannot be neutral in our lifelong demise precisely because Jesus WILL NOT be neutral at our General Judgement' -blessed holy socks
What we do in our finite lifetimes
has eternal consequences.

Howd'ya literally N figuratively WISEABOVE?? Pray the Stations. Go to Mass at least Sunday. Lissen, lissen, lissen. Pray the Rosary to kick-Satan's-ass. Carry your cross - literally and/or figuratively. Goto the Adoration Chapel located inside every Catholic choirch. Pray, pray, pray. Offer your whole day N night to the Trinity. Read your Bible. Love God alone. Love everyone else. Put their lives ahead of your own. DO IT! We dont have long before our LastPage. And find-out what RCIA means and join.

Withe filthy, whorizontal piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their scorecard destruction seeing who can git a lowest place in Hellfire, dont you think your lifetime is EXTREMELY vital to the planet? Thus, to love the lives of others is to love your own: spread the Gospel of Jesus.

God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

I looove how you know Aikido.
Really cool.
Maybe you could send some thot
vibrations my Way.
What's your rank?
Is there a rank in Aikido?
Steven Seagal has no rank...
cuzz he's the best.

I loved your profile.
Gotta wanna meet you someday.
Let's getta Big-Ol beer Upstairs.
Gotta lotta tok bout celebrating
our eternal resurrection, cool?
cya soon...

And I'd be reeeeally pissed
if you didnt arrive on the launch pad
to climb to Seventh-Heaven.
DO IT!!!!!!!
Learn sumtin and wiseabove
so we could spend eternity
nekkin N snuggling...